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Volume 8, Issue 1 (Iranian Journal of Ergonomics 2020)                   Iran J Ergon 2020, 8(1): 56-65 | Back to browse issues page

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Sakhaie S, Asgari M, Borjali A, Mahmoodi A. Development and Exploring the Effectiveness of an Educational Package for Coping with the Occupational Stress of a Flight Crew. Iran J Ergon 2020; 8 (1) :56-65
URL: http://journal.iehfs.ir/article-1-709-en.html
1- Department of Educational Science and Counselling, College of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2- Department of Psychometrics, College of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran , drmasgari@atu.ac.ir
3- Department of Psychology, College of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Allameh Tabatabai University Tehran, Iran
4- Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Psychology and Social Sciences, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
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From among the four simulated scenarios, the fourth one, which is the increase in staff welfare parameters, had the most impact on reducing the burnout of Ardabil Regional Water Company employees.

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According to the statistics available in 2017, the third most stressful job in the world is related to flight crew members. One of the causes of air accidents is human and human errors and stress and psychological pressures play an important role in increasing these errors [4]. In Iran, conditions such as severe sanctions against the aviation industry, distance from the current developments of the aviation industry, the worn-out fabric of the air fleet and the dependence of this foreign industry, have caused many problems in the aviation industry. These factors have caused flight crews to face more and more job stress [5]. Therefore, developing a training package to deal with stress is felt more than ever in this job.


Materials and Methods

The results indicated that the educational package of coping with occupational stress led to the reduction of stress in the flight crew. The analysis of each occupational stress components showed that the training for coping with the occupational stress is effective for, Decision-making Power, job & time strain, role ambiguity, value deficiency, as well as social support from the manager and colleagues.

Table 1. Mean and standard deviation of job stress and its components in control and experimental group subjects

Variable Test Groups M SD N
Job stress Pre-Test Test 112.55 5.53 20
Control 116.25 6.80 20
Post-Test Test 143.65 13.53 20
Control 116.85 9.37 20
Attitude towards skill Pre-Test Test 24.35 3.31 20
Control 25.25 3.17 20
Post-Test Test 29.45 8.87 20
Control 26.50 1.87 20
Decision-making power Pre-Test Test 10.30 1.49 20
Control 11.25 1.02 20
Post-Test Test 12.30 1.31 20
Control 10.55 3.31 20
Task control Pre-Test Test 7.10 1.62 20
Control 6.35 1.87 20
Post-Test Test 8.80 2.31 20
Control 6.90 2.27 20
Time and Work pressure Pre-Test Test 5.65 1.35 20
Control 6.95 1.05 20
Post-Test Test 8.65 1.35 20
Control 6.75 1.12 20
Role ambiguity Pre-Test Test 14.50 1.79 20
Control 15.25 1.29 20
Post-Test Test 18.45 1.98 20
Control 15.10 1.62 20
Job insecurity Pre-Test Test 9.70 1.17 20
Control 9.80 1.54 20
Post-Test Test 12.70 2.12 20
Control 9.85 0.36 20
Lack of value Pre-Test Test 10.60 0.88 20
Control 11.45 1.14 20
Post-Test Test 11.50 1.39 20
Control 10.50 1.82 20
Manager social support Pre-Test Test 14.20 1.64 20
Control 14.55 1.10 20
Post-Test Test 18.95 1.19 20
Control 14.90 1.99 20
Social support of colleagues Pre-Test Test 16.15 1.69 20
Control 15.40 1.53 20
Post-Test Test 22.85 1.78 20
Control 15.80 2.50 20


Table 2. Independent t-test results for differential scores in experimental and stress management groups
Groups N M S T d.f P
Control 20 -31.10 13.94 -8.281 38 0.0001
Test 20 -0.600 8.768      
Table 3. Summary of multivariate analysis of variance for differential scores of job stress components
Test Amount D.f1 D.f2 F P ɳ2 Statistical power
Effect of piling 0.819 9 30 15.075 0.0001 >P 0.819 1
Lambda Wilks 0.181 9 30 15.075 0.0001> P 0.819 1
Hoteling 4.523 9 30 15.075 0.0001>P 0.819 1
Roy's Largest Root 4.523 9 30 15.075 0.0001 >P 0.819 1
Table 4. Summary of ANOVA analysis for differential scores; summary of one-variable analysis of variance for differential scores of job stress components
The dependent variable S. S d.f M.S F P ɳ2 Statistical power
Attitude towards skills
3.776 0.059 0.090 0.474
The power of decision
8.706 0.005 0.186 0.820
Task control
2.523 0.120 0.062 0.341
Time and work pressure
34.993 0.0001 0.479 1
Role ambiguity
35.587 0.0001 0.484 1
Job insecurity
1.779 0.190 0.045 0.255
Lack of value
14.654 0.0001 0.275 0.962
Manager Social Support
39.070 0.0001 0.507 1
Social support of colleagues
56.914 0.0001 0.600 1


Discussion  and Conclusion

Stress management training package has had a significant effect on flight crew job stress. Therefore, it can be argued that flight crews can use this training to manage while facing job stress and thus this can be an effective step to reduce stress and increase the performance of their profession. Because the internal and external validity of the developed package was approved it is recommended to use this training package to reduce and control flight crew job stress. Consultants and therapists who intend to treat flight crew job stress can use this package. It is recommended that a training package to deal with job stress be implemented in other airlines. This research has been done in Mahan Airlines, therefore, caution should be exercised in extending its findings to other businesses. 



The authors are grateful to all those who assisted in the writing of this article.


Conflicts of Interest

The authors declared no conflict of interest.


Type of Study: Research | Subject: Other Cases
Received: 2020/04/25 | Accepted: 2020/06/27 | ePublished: 2020/06/27

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