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Showing 1 results for Educational Package of Occupational Stress

Shiva Sakhaie, Mohamad Asgari, Ahmad Borjali, Amirhosein Mahmoodi,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (5-2020)

Background and Objectives: Job stress is among the factors that affect job performance. The present study aimed at the developing and studying the effectiveness of an educational package to cope with the occupational stress of the flight crew.
Methods: The research method is mixed (qualitative & quantitative). The statistical population in the qualitative section consists of elites and informants in the field of coping strategies for the flight crew’s stress and seven people were selected by targeted sampling method. In the quantitative method, the statistical population included Mahan flight crew and forty people were selected through convenient sampling and they were randomly assigned into two experimental and control groups. The quasi-experimental method with an unbalanced control group was used. The Vandroff‌’s Job Stress Questionnaire was used for measuring the dependent variable. The data were analyzed by Multivariable Variance method and Independent t-test for differential scoring using SPSS 25 software.
Results: The results indicated that the educational package of coping with occupational stress led to the reduction of stress in the flight crew. The analysis of each occupational stress components showed that the training for coping with the occupational stress is effective for, Decision-making Power, job & time strain, role ambiguity, value deficiency, as well as social support from the manager and colleagues.
Conclusion: Thus, according to the effectiveness of the educational package for coping with occupational stress, it is recommended that this package be used in other airline companies and also by the psychologists and consultants who utilize occupational therapy for the occupational stress of the flight crew.

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