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Showing 2 results for Ghaffari

Mohammad Babamiri, Rashid Haidari Moghaddam, Fakhrodin Ghasemi, Mohammad Ghaffari, Mahdi Razee, Khadijeh Bandeh Ellahi, Alireza Mortezapour,
Volume 6, Issue 3 ( Iranian Journal of Ergonomics 2018)

Background and Objectives: Nowadays, the use of the Internet among students has become widespread. Addiction to virtual networks and online games can have various consequences, including the threat of musculoskeletal system in these people. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of addiction to social networks and online games on students’ wrist pain.
Methods: This study was conducted among 665 students. Data collection was done through three questionnaires of problematic use of online games, social networking addiction and Nordic musculoskeletal disorders. Data were compared by Chi-square and independent T-test and finally, logistic regression model was presented at a significant level of 0.05.
Results: The results showed that social network and online game addiction can increase the risk of pain in the wrists. Sex had a significant impact in the effect of social network addiction on pain in the wrist. Other results of the present study are the not significant differences in the age and level of education of the participants in the prevalence of wrist pain.
Conclusion: It can be stated that there is a likelihood of a relationship between social network and online game addiction with wrist pain. Therefore, due to high prevalence of this addiction among students, appropriate planning should be taken to reduce complications and injuries, especially in the wrist area of them. 


Jafar Akbari, Mahmood Abolghasemian, Amir Ghaffari, Fereydun Moghaddas, Mohammad Amin Mououdi, Shaghayegh Rahimi Kamal, Asoumeh Jozkanani,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (Iranian Journal of Ergonomics 2021)

Background and Objectives: Presenteeism is introduced as a phenomenon according to which employees are physically present in the workplace but are functionally absent. This study aimed to investigate presenteeism and productivity loss associated with health problems among employees of the Iranian Gas Transmission Company (IGTC).
Methods: The participants were 2298 employees. Data collection instruments included the Stanford Presenteeism Scale (SPS-6) and the Health and Work Questionnaire (HWQ). Data analysis was performed using the multivariate logistic regression in SPSS software version 26.
Results: More than 52% of the participants (1189 people) had experienced presenteeism at least once a year, while a total of 1073 people (47%) were non-presenteists. The results showed that the HWQ subsets including productivity (P = 0.001), focus (P = 0.023), relationships with the manager or boss (P = 0.007), impatience and irritability (P = 0.026), workplace satisfaction (P = 0.038) and finally the total HWQ score (P = 0.011) had a statistically significant relationship with presenteeism.
Conclusion: Presenteeism reduces the productivity of the workforce by reducing individual productivity, reducing people's ability to concentrate, the inappropriate perception of the relationship with the manager/ boss, increasing their impatience, irritability and level of work-related stress and eventually reducing the level of people's satisfaction with the work environment. This imposes a lot of costs on the organization.

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