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Volume 8, Issue 2 (Iranian Journal of Ergonomics 2020)                   Iran J Ergon 2020, 8(2): 17-25 | Back to browse issues page

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Rahimi H. The Effect of Job Nature on Job Adjustment of Nurses in Hospital Affiliated to Kashan University of Medical Sciences. Iran J Ergon 2020; 8 (2) :17-25
URL: http://journal.iehfs.ir/article-1-708-en.html
Associate Professor, School of Humanities, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran , dr.hamid.rahimi@kashanu.ac.ir
Full-Text [PDF 246 kb]   (9251 Downloads)     |   Abstract (HTML)  (9947 Views)
The average job nature and adjustment of nurses were favorable and there was a positive relationship between job nature and job adjustment of nurses. Therefore, in order to increase the adjustment of nurses, managers should pay more attention to nurses' perceptions of their job characteristics and provide them with diversity, feedback and the opportunity to create friendly relationships at work.
Extended Abstract:   (1342 Views)

A ccording to the World Health Organization, nurses are the spinal cord of the health care system in all societies [1] and in most health care organizations, nurses are the most important workforce and play a major role in the quality of service delivery [2]. Therefore, their satisfaction and efficiency significantly affect the success of the organization. In healthcare workplaces, nurses are constantly faced with work and personal problems due to contact with critically ill patients and high work pressure, and this causes them a lot of stress and affects their job adjustment. Studies show that 93% of nurses are regularly affected by workplace stressors that can affect their job adjustment [3].
Job adjustment is one of the factors related to creating coordination at work, increasing the productivity and profitability of employees towards the organization, their belonging and dependence on the work environment, increasing the quantity and quality of work, establishing good and humane relationships in the workplace, raising morale, love and interest [5].
Research results indicate that job adjustment is related to some variables such as role transparency [8], personality traits [9], role ambiguity [10], familiarity with job descriptions [11], and the nature of job and job characteristics [12]. .
Accordingly, it can be said that job and job characteristics can be effective in job adjustment; because employees are mostly looking for a job that is challenging, they are responsible for doing it, have enough authority to do it, are satisfied with the content of their job, and feel that their existence is valuable to the organization. The above characteristics may cause dissatisfaction [13].
Considering the effect of job motivation and other job-related aspects on job adjustment (based on the results of research mentioned in the field of job adjustment), it seems that the relationship between job nature and job adjustment can be understood in this way. Therefore, considering the importance and necessity of promoting nurses' mental health and the role of job nature on the quality of nursing services, this study was conducted to investigate the relationship between job nature and job adjustment of nurses. Based on this and considering the purpose of the present study, this study seeks to investigate the effect of job nature on job adjustment among a sample of nurses. 


Materials and Methods

The type of research was applied in terms of purpose, correlation in terms of descriptive implementation and cross-sectional in terms of time. The statistical population included 542 nurses from Kashan University of Medical Sciences. In order to determine the variance of the statistical population, it was necessary to conduct a pilot study on a number of nurses. Therefore, 30 nurses were randomly selected and questionnaires were distributed among them. After extracting the relevant data and estimating variance (0.44), significance level (0.95), population size (542) and error rate (0.05), the statistical sample size of the study using Cochran's formula was 190 people. Due to the fact that nurses were of different genders and the statistical population was heterogeneous, stratified sampling method was used. Based on this, 154 out of 440 female nurses and 46 out of 102 male nurses were selected as the sample. The estimated sample size was 190 people and 178 questionnaires were returned in this study. Considering that the return rate of the questionnaires was 0.93, statistical analysis was performed on 178 subjects and the statistical power and significance level were calculated after the preliminary analysis and its adequacy was estimated through the test power of 0.93.
Data analysis was performed at two levels of descriptive (frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation) and inferential (Pearson correlation coefficient, sampling test and regression) using SPSS software version 22 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Ill.). Significance level in the tests was considered P-value <0.05.



Findings revealed that means of job nature (70.43±45.07) was higher than average (60) and mean of job adjustment (3.23±0.42) was higher than average (3). Pearson correlation coefficient showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between job nature and job adjustment (r=0.29). The regression coefficient showed that the job nature was able to predict the job adjustment of nurses.

Table 1. One-sample t-test to compare the average nature of the job
Variable N M±SD Society Mean t Degree of freedom P
Diversity of skills 178 2.27±17.98 12 35.06 177 0.001
Importance of duty 178 5.31±18.16 12 15.44 177 0.001
Duty identity 178 3.27±16.61 12 18.86 177 0.001
Independence 178 4.07±13.82 12 5.94 177 0.001
Feedback 178 2.83±17.81 12 27.4 177 0.001
The nature of the job 178 45.07±70.43 60 3.09 177 0.002
Table 2.  One-sample t-test to compare the mean of job adjustment
Variable N M±SD Society Mean t Degree of freedom P
The value of progress 178 0.65±3.85 3 17.58 177 0.001
Value for convenience 178 0.49±3.01 3 0.125 177 0.001
Base value 178 0.73±3.04 3 0.765 177 0.45
The value of friendship 178 0.56±3.67 3 15.98 177 0.001
Safety 178 0.44±3.28 3 8.69 177 0.001
Autonomy 178 0.81±2.78 3 3.44 177 0.001
Adjustment style 178 0.67±2.98 3 0.3 177 0.77
Job adjustment 178 0.42±3.23 3 7.35 177 0.001
Table 3. Correlation coefficient between the nature of the job and job adjustment
Variable R R2 P
Diversity of skills and adjustment 0.12 0.014 0.11
Importance of task and adjustment 0.10 0.01 0.18
Task identity and adjustment 0.47 0.22 0.001
Independence and adjustment 0.38 0.14 0.001
Feedback and adjustment 0.38 0.14 0.001
The nature of the job and adjustment 0.29 0.084 0.001
Table 4. Regression coefficients to predict job adjustment based on the nature of the job
Variable B Beta Standard error t P
Fixed value 3.042 - 0.06 54.11 0.001
Job nature 0.003 0.29 0.001 4.003 0.001



Findings showed that the average job nature of nurses in different dimensions, both in terms of diversity of skills, identity and importance of the task, and in terms of independence and feedback, is higher than average and in optimal conditions. This showed that from the nurses' point of view, their job requires nurses with complex and high level skills, their job is not simple and repetitive, their job gives them the opportunity to use creativity or personal judgment in doing work, their job is independent in choosing the way of doing work giving them considerable freedom, their job requires the ability of doing different things and having a variety of skills and high talent, and they believe that the results of their job have a significant impact on the lives and well-being of others.
Findings showed that the average job adjustment of nurses in various dimensions is above average and in favorable conditions. These results indicate that nurses like to always be busy with work related to their job, feel progress in their job, be relatively satisfied with their working conditions, believe that there is a possibility of advancement and go to higher levels and have a relatively good relationship with colleagues. They believe that their job is respected by people and society, they enjoy the challenges in their job, and they have relative and appropriate authority in their job.
According to the results, there is a positive and direct relationship between the nature of the job and its dimensions with the job adaptation of nurses. The higher the status of the job and its desirability for nurses, the greater their job adaptation. Explaining the obtained result, it can be said that job adjustment includes the adaptation of the individual's personality to the environmental factors of work. The theory of job adjustment is based on the concept of relationship between the individual and the environment.



The average job nature and adjustment of nurses were favorable and there was a positive relationship between job nature and job adjustment of nurses. Therefore, in order to increase the adjustment of nurses, managers should pay more attention to nurses' perceptions of their job characteristics and provide them with diversity, feedback and the opportunity to create friendly relationships at work.


The author thanks and appreciates all the officials and nurses of Kashan hospitals who collaborated in the present study. The present article is taken from the research approved by the specialized research council of Kashan University of Medical Sciences and Health Services on May 1st 2018 and with the code of ethics IR.KAUMS.NUHEPM.REC.1397.059.


Conflicts of Interest

The authors declared no conflict of interest.


Type of Study: Research | Subject: Other Cases
Received: 2020/04/25 | Accepted: 2020/07/10 | ePublished: 2020/07/15

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