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Showing 1 results for Work Posture

Fatemeh Chahraghran, Shahnaz Tabatabaei,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-2019)

Background and Objectives: Considering that musculoskeletal disorders and occupational stress are one of the most important reasons for disability, physical and mental problems in the staff, the study of their causes is of great importance. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the relationship between ergonomic risk level and job stress in employees of a food production plant. 
Methods: This was a descriptive-analytic research. It was carried out for a sample of 200 employees in the production and packaging of a food production plant in 2018. The QEC method was used to determine the ergonomic risk level and the OSPU questionnaire was used to measure occupational stress. Descriptive and inferential statistics (T and F tests) were used to analyze the data. 
Results: The findings showed that the level of ergonomic risk in the neck, shoulders and wrists is in the unfavorable situation. Workstations will need to be repaired in the near future. There is a significant relationship between the level of ergonomic risk and the demographic variables of gender and education with job stress.  
Conclusion: Unfavorable ergonomic status of workstations in the food factory has increased the worker’s stress in the manufacturing and packaging sectors. Therefore, proper design of workstations and consideration of ergonomic principles are effective in improving the physical and mental health of employees. 


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