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Showing 6 results for Work Ability Index

Seyed Sajad Ataei, Payam Heydari, Sakineh Varmazyar,
Volume 4, Issue 4 (3-2017)

Introduction: Heavy load lifting or occupational and individual factors are effective hazard agents in the occurrence of musculoskeletal disorders. Therefore, the aim of the present study was investigating the correlation of musculoskeletal disorders with work ability index and allowable load lifting limit.

Methods: This analytical and cross-sectional study was conducted using census (n = 60) among the kitchen workers in Qazvin teaching hospitals in 2016. Data were collected through questionnaires including pain prevalence, work ability index and allowable load lifting limit. Data was analyzed by single and multiple regression logistic using SPSS 16 software.

Results: The highest prevalence was observed in the lower back (78.3%). Of the workers, 61.7% reported a good level of work ability index and 58.3% of the workplaces were in unsafe conditions of load handling. Unsafe condition alone increased the prevalence of shoulder and neck pain about 7 times and the lower back pain 4 times, and in interaction with other risk factors, the prevalence of neck and shoulder pains had 25 and 28 times increase, respectively. Also, subjects with good levels of ability compared to subjects with excellent levels of ability were 9 times more in exposure of musculoskeletal disorders.

Conclusions: Risk factors such as body mass index, work ability and allowable load lifting limit can affect the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders. So, selection of subjects with good and excellent work ability levels and compliance with the load limit are the effective solutions in increasing the productivity and reducing musculoskeletal disorders among kitchen workers.

Zahra Ordudari, Shiva Soury, Ehsanollah Habibi, Zahra Sharifian,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2018)

Introduction: Regular physical activity plays an important role in the prevention of low back pain, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, cancer, hypertension, depression and early death. Also, work ability is related to the interactions between physical and mental ability, working conditions, employee efficiency, and employee health status. In this research, the relationship between work ability and the level of physical activity is investigated.
Materials & Methods: This study was descriptive-analytical and cross-sectional, which was conducted among 120 office workers and operatives. Physical activity and work ability index were measured using physical activity questionnaire and Iranian version of work ability index. Data analysis was performed using SPSS20 and (P <0.05) was considered significant.
Results: In this study, gardeners and office workers respectively,had the highest and lowest levels of physical activity with the mean of 4206.09 and 3567.58. However, work ability almost was the same in all groups. Also, Pearson correlation coefficient showed that there was no significant relationship between work ability index and physical activity.
Conclusion: According to the results,the work ability index of subjects was good and physical activity was high. Also, there was no significant relationship between work ability index and physical activity, thus making plans to promote the work ability index should be a priority in the intervention program.


Anooshirvan Safari, Shahnaz Tabatabaei, Mahnaz Sareme,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (4-2021)

Background and Objectives: In the automotive industry, assemblers are at the risk of job stress. There is relationship between job stress and work ability index, and job stress can impact on work ability index negatively. Therefore, this study investigates the effect of ergonomic job stress intervention (Ergo-JSI) on the work ability index and job stress of assemblers in an auto parts factory.
Methods: It was an interventional study with pre- and post-test design in the assembly section of an auto parts factory. The sample group included 80 persons who were working in this section and they were selected totally. The interventional Ergonomics-based on Job Stress Program was performed for eight weeks. Job stress questionnaires (BJSQ), work ability index (WAI), ergonomic check points (ECP), and stress prevention in the workplace (International Labor Organization) were used as research tools.
Results: The ergonomic job stress intervention (Ergo-JSI) was found to be significant on the work ability index (P <0.001). The level of work ability index was increased by 16.25% for workers (P = 0.01). Furthermore, the job stress was decreased significantly (P <0.05). The quantitative changes in the level of job stress towards reduction were based on the BJSQ criteria A (51.25%) and criteria B (27.5%); these differences were found to be significant (P <0.001).
Conclusion: Individual and organizational approaches which used for the interventional Ergonomic based on Job Stress Management Program has been effective on the decreasing of job stress and the increasing of work ability index of assemblers. Therefore, this Participatory Ergonomics Program which has an integrated approach can be improved the mental health of staff.

Ramin Rahmani, Raheleh Hashemi Habybabady, Mohammad Hossein Mahmoudi, Haniyeh Yousefi, Siavash Shahnavazi,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (4-2021)

Background and Objectives: Assessing the workability of employees is very important, and firefighting is one of the critical jobs. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the work ability index (WAI), and identify some effective factors among firefighters.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out with participation of 101 firefighters in Zahedan, Iran in 2018. Subjects were included in the study by census method. Data were collected using a two-part questionnaire (demographic information and WAI items), and data analysis was performed using SPSS 24.
Results: The mean of age and work experience of the subjects were 34.18±6.70 and 8.47±6.79 years, respectively. Only 18 individuals (17.8%) were single, and most of them exercised at least once a week. The mean score of WAI was 44.33±3.56 and most of the subjects were in the excellent range. With increasing age and work experience, WAI decreased, and there was also a significant relationship between marital status and weekly exercise with WAI.
Conclusions: In general, the condition of the firefighters was favorable in terms of workability. However, due to the relationship between personal characteristics and WAI, it is necessary to adjust the duties of older people with more work experience.

Sina Ghasemi, Behzad Imani, Ramin Rahmani, Shirdel Zandi,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (1-2024)

Objectives: Musculoskeletal disorders are among the common problems in most work environments and work ability is considered a factor affecting the performance and productivity of employees. In the present study, the status of these two components and their relationship with each other in the staff working in the operating room were investigated.
Methods: The current cross-sectional study was conducted in the winter of 2023. In this research, 96 employees working in the operating rooms of government hospitals in Hamadan, Iran were enrolled by census sampling method based on the inclusion criteria. The data were collected through the Nordic standard questionnaire and the work ability index questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed in SPSS software (version 24) at two levels of descriptive (frequency, mean, and standard deviation) and inferential (t-test) statistics.
Results: In this study, 4 (4.2%) of the participants had one musculoskeletal disorder and the remaining 91 personnel (95.8%) had more than one disorder in their musculoskeletal systems. Average work ability index was 42.3±04.91. The results of the independent t-test showed that the work ability index among people with pain in the neck (P=0.003), shoulders (P=0.001), elbows (P=0.038), back (P=0.011), knees (P=0.001), and legs (P=0.002) were less than those without pain in these organs.
Conclusion: Results indicated the need to pay more attention to the implementation of ergonomic work environment and management interventions to reduce the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders and thereby increase the efficiency and effectiveness of personnel.

Teimour Allahyari, Ali Mahboubi,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (4-2024)

Objectives: Nowadays, due to the increase in the volume of accidents, pre-hospital emergency personnel, as the frontline of treatment by providing relief and assistance to patients and victims of various incidents, have encountered various work-related challenges and problems, including cardiovascular diseases, digestive diseases, excessive fatigue, and reduced sleep quality. In this regard, the present research aimed to study the relationship among shift work, sleep quality, and work ability index in pre-hospital emergency personnel.
Methods: This research was performed on 102 operational personnel of a pre-hospital emergency department in Urmia, Iran. After the collection of demographic information, the number of work shifts per week, the number of working hours per month, the quality of sleep, and the work ability of the personnel were measured by the Petersburg sleep quality questionnaire and work ability index questionnaire. The relationship between research variables was investigated using correlation coefficient, Fisher's exact test, and one-way analysis of variance tests.
Results: Mean total sleep quality score of the personnel was 6.01 ± 2.38, which indicated poor and unfavorable sleep quality. Moreover, work ability index scores of 34.3%, 52%, and 13.7% of participants were at poor, moderate, good, and excellent levels, respectively. Regarding the comparison between the two variables of shift work and sleep quality, there was a significant difference, and a strong and significant relationship was observed between sleep quality and work ability index.
Conclusion: Through the increase in the number of work shifts and working hours, the sleep quality of the personnel became unfavorable and weak which led to a decrease in the work ability index score and a reduction in the job performance of the personnel. Reduction of working hours, usage of young people with high work ability, management and control of the number of work shifts of the personnel by considering resting and closure time, consideration of morning-evening and night shifts in a balanced and equal manner, and prevention of people from working in monotonous shifts (activity only in the form of night work or only day work), and avoidance of working in consecutive work shifts without rest and vacation in order to improve the quality of sleep and work performance is recommended.

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