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Showing 19 results for Satisfaction

S.abolfazl Zakerian, Gholam Teymouri, Iman Ahmadnejad, Marziyeh Abbasinia, Abdorasoul Rahmani, Mahdi Asghari,
Volume 1, Issue 3 (3-2014)

Introduction: The present study was aimed to investigate the dimensions of quality of work life and its relation to job satisfaction among workers of automotive industry. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive-analytical study, 150 workers of an automotive industry in Tehran city were chosen by simple random sampling method. Three questionnaires of demographic characteristics, quality of work life and job satisfaction were employed as data collecting tools. For data analysis, descriptive statistics, t-test, analysis of variance (ANOVA), correlation and regression tests were used. Results: About 6% of participants evaluated their workload as light, 11.3% as moderate, 60.7% as heavy, and 22% as very heavy. The average of job satisfaction was 55.94± 13.45. 15.3% of subjects had low job satisfaction, 68.7% moderate and 16% reported high job satisfaction. There was a positive and significant relation between quality of work life and job satisfaction (p = 0.001). Meanwhile, general health condition had the highest effect on job satisfaction. Conclusion: In general, there was a positive and significant relation between the quality of work life and job satisfaction, so that the higher the quality of work life, the higher the job satisfaction of workers. The results also emphasize the role and impact of managers and supervisors for effective interventions to improve quality of work life and job satisfaction. Therefore, further studies are proposed for the identification of other effective factors on the quality of work life and job satisfaction.
Zahra Zamanian, Marziyeh Roshan Sarvestani, Mitra Sedaghati, Mahnaz Ghatmiri, Bahram Kouhnavard,
Volume 3, Issue 4 (3-2016)

Introduction: Faculty and staff are the pillars of any university. Any impairment in the function of these elements would undoubtedly decrease the quality of education and training services provided. The present study aimed to assess the relationship between subjective workload and job satisfaction in faculty and staff members of universities of medical sciences and universities affiliated to the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology.

Materials and Methods: This descriptive-analytical study recruited 164 faculty and staff members. Data were collected using a demographic questionnaire, NASA Task Load Index (NASA TLX), and the Job Description Index (JDI). One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied to analyze the data.

Findings: The participants’ workload had no significant effects on their job satisfaction. Faculty members generally had a heavier workload and lower level of job satisfaction compared to staff members. Moreover, faculty of universities of medical sciences had higher workload and lower levels of job satisfaction (14.5% vs. 30.76%) in comparison to faculty of universities affiliated to the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology. Moreover, 14.5% of the medical faculty members and 30.76% of science faculty members were satisfied with their jobs. Overall, job satisfaction and workload were not significantly related with demographic characteristics and job features of the participants.

Conclusion: Among the various subscales of workload, faculty members reported high levels of subjective pressure, time pressure, and effort. Therefore, further studies are required to identify the causes of such pressures and introduce measures for their reduction or elimination.

Behnam Mohammadi,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (6-2016)


Introduction: Job stress such as role ambiguity, a situation that arises from the interaction between people and jobs, reduces the performance and job satisfaction. Proactive people eliminate ambiguity in their jobs by behaviors such as innovation. The present study aimed at investigating the impact of proactive personality on job satisfaction and performance mediated by information seeking.

Methods: The statistical population of this survey consisted of the official staff and contractual personnel of Bid Boland gas refinery, from whom 260 were selected using the hierarchical random sampling method. The research design of this study was correlation, through structural equation modeling. The data collection tools were Role Ambiguity Scale, Proactive Behavior Questionnaire (Ashford and Black), Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (Brayfield & Rothe), and Job Performance Questionnaire (Paterson). The assessment of the proposed pattern was conducted through path analysis.

Results: The results supported the suitability of the relationship between the patterns and the collected data. The results revealed that proactive behavior mediated the effect of role ambiguity in job satisfaction and performance. All the routes in the research model were meaningful (P < 0.001) and the overall fit index [root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA)] was 0.04, which represents an excellent fit pattern.

Conclusions: Proactive behavior eliminates uncertainty for employees and finally eliminates the negative effects of role ambiguity on job performance and satisfaction and leads to increased performance and satisfaction of employees.

Zeinab Kazemi, Hamidreza Mokhtarinia, Reza Oskuei Zadeh,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (10-2016)

Introduction: In the recent decades, owing to the advancement of technology, most jobs and occupations require the use of computers. Lack of information about ergonomic conditions has resulted in various occupational injuries. Break time between work and doing exercise, help in reduction of musculoskeletal symptoms. The present study aimed to use a new ergo-feedback software and to assess its usability in office staff.

Methods: Thirty office staff participated in this study. In the first step, muscle-skeletal symptoms were checked by a body map checklist. Then, the Borg score was determined by the participants, initially and after one work day. The software was then run in their systems and they worked with it for about two weeks. After two weeks, the Borg scale was completed again and efficacy of the software was evaluated by the system usability scale (SUS). Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and Wilcoxon test. Statistical analysis was done by the SPSS software version 19.

Results: The results showed that there was a significant difference between the Borg score pre and post intervention (P > .05). The majority of the users were satisfied with the software with the SUS score showing about 82.25% satisfaction.

Conclusions: According to this study, office workers were satisfied with using this software and it can help reduce musculoskeletal symptoms during a prolonged time period.

Mohammadamir Abbasian Fard, Mastooreh Sedaghat,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (11-2017)

Background: The aim of this study was to compare personality characteristics, job satisfaction and mental health of the personnel who experienced and didn’t experience a disaster in Zamyad Company.
Methods: This is a casual-comparative study. The population consisted of all company personnel in Tehran (2500). Using random sampling, 120 people were selected, of whom 60 people had already experienced an accident and 60 had never experienced one. To collect the required information the mental health questionnaires GHQ, job satisfaction and Ruth Barry field and 5-factor personality inventory (NEO-FFI) were used. For data analysis, statistical methods, measures of central tendency (ANOVA) and independent t-test and chi-square test were used to compare each variable between personnel were who injured and those who weren’t.
Results: Results showed that there is a significant difference among three characteristic components (agreement F: 23.158, being open to experience F: 6.902, nervousness F: 5.476) of the people who were or were not injured. There is also difference between the two groups in job satisfaction (0.000); those who had never experienced an accident were more satisfied with their jobs. The health components (physical symptoms F: 4.804, stress disorders F: 8.652, depression symptoms F: 7.559) also were significantly different between the two groups.
Conclusion: Planning for control and improvement of mental and psychosocial factors and factors such as job satisfaction, personality traits and mental health in the workplace seems necessary. This can achieve higher levels of health and safety for the staff.

Mohammad Babamiri, Rashid Heidari Moghadam, Behnam Mohammadi, Younes Mohammadi,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (11-2017)

Background: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between proactive personality with networking by mediating role of job satisfaction.
Methods: The research design in this study was a correlation model, through structural equation modeling. The target population in this study was all nurses working in public hospitals in Hamadan that 300 people of them were selected as the sample by simple random sampling. The data collection tools were Proactive Personality Scale (Bateman and Crant), Proactive Behavior Questionnaire (Networking, Ashford and Black) and Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (Brayfield & Rothe). The proposed model was evaluated using correlation and path analysis method using SPSS18 and AMOS18 software.
Results: Pearson correlation showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between proactive personality with job satisfaction and networking. The path analysis results support the pattern's fit with the data. The findings showed that job satisfaction mediates the relationship between proactive personality and networking.
Conclusion: Job satisfaction strengthens the efforts of proactive person in networking and broadens the career communication network.

Mohsen Shir Mohammadzadeh1, Abolfazl Ghasemzadeh Alishahi, Mehdi Kazemzadeh Beytali,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (6-2018)

Background: The aim of present study was to investigate mediator role of occupational self-efficacy in the relationship between professional development and job commitment and satisfaction among staffs of Sports and the Youth Department of East Azarbaijan Province.
Methods: Research sampling method of the study is classified random method. The research statistical population involved 322 participants. Krejcie and Morgan table was used to determine the sample size of the study. According to the table, 203 participants were selected as the sample size. The scholar made questioners of satisfaction inventory, Alman and Mir’s job commitment inventory and Sharar’s et.al general self-efficacy inventory were used for data collection.
Results: Statistical analysis of the data indicated that there is a significant and positive relationship between professional development and job satisfaction and commitment. Moreover, the results of the study indicated that there is a significant and positive relationship between self-efficacy and job commitment and satisfaction. The highest level of significant correlation was obtained for the relationship between professional development and job satisfaction and the lowest significant correlation was obtained for the relationship between professional development and self-efficacy.
Conclusion: Finally, results confirmed the mediator role of occupational self-efficacy in the relationship between professional development and job commitment and satisfaction.

Fatemeh Zameni, Ahmad Soltanzadeh, Parvin Nasiri,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2018)

Introduction: In the modern industrial world, the health of the employees in different Occupations can be influenced by the interaction of various risk factors. So, the purpose of present study was to assess and analyze the relationship between the factors including shift work, job stress, job satisfaction and health in a petrochemical industry.
Materials & Methods: The present study was conducted using analytical and cross-sectional method. The statistical population was all employees of a petrochemical company (4000 people). Using the Cochran formula, a sample of 360 individuals were selected using simple random sampling method. Data was collected using a high reliability integrated questionnaire (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.83). Data was analyzed using SPSS22.0.
Results: The analytical results of relationship between shift work, occupational stress, occupational satisfaction and health showed that all hypotheses in the conceptual model were approved and there was a significant relationship between these factors (P<0.001). Also, the results showed that, in addition to the direct effect of shift work on health, due to the effect on occupational stress and occupational satisfaction, it was indirectly related to health (P <0.001).
Conclusion: The findings indicated that shift work as a direct factor and as a mediator and indirect factor through impact on factors such as occupational satisfaction and stress can affect the health of employees. Therefore, considering this organizational phenomenon and its redesign or its change can play an important role in increasing the level of occupational health and motivation as well as organizational productivity.

Elham Ahmadi Kivanani, Mostafa Pouyakian, Abbass Alipour,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (3-2019)

Background and Objectives: Accurate measurement of the employees’ satisfaction with their office chairs can provide valid feedback on the chair design quality for the manufacturers and researchers. This study aims to design a valid and psychometrically evaluated questionnaire for measuring satisfaction with office chairs.
Methods: Through studying the two main documents about chair ergonomics including Iranian office chair standard No. 11388-1 and a valid Persian questionnaire on satisfaction with educational chairs (Mirmohammadi et al.), the initial 39-item office chair satisfaction questionnaire has been developed. Then face and content validity of the questionnaire have been checked out using qualitative and quantitative approach. Quantitative face validity was analyzed using impact score method. Content Validity Index (CVI) and Content Validity Ratio (CVR) have been used for quantitative content validity analysis. In order to analyze the questionnaire’s reliability, two methods including the internal consistency and constancy have been applied. To measure the internal consistency, α-Cronbach (alpha coefficient) and to evaluate constancy (test-retest) have been employed. Also, the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was utilized for specifying its sensitivity, specificity, and cut-off point. The data was analyzed by SPSS 21 and Stata V.14
Results: Mean (CVR) and (CVI) of final questionnaire have been calculated as 0.93 and 0.95, respectively. Questionnaire’s α-Cronbach coefficient has been gained 0.8. Kappa coefficient (for inter-rater agreement) has showed high score (0.91) in the test-retest results, indicating high correlation and good constancy of the questionnaire. In the ROC, the cut-off point was reported as 75.5 with the sensitivity and specificity of 86.2 and 100, respectively, and area under the ROC curve at this cut-off point was 0.96.
Conclusion: The final 34-item questionnaire has exhibited acceptable reliability and validity for measuring satisfaction level of office chairs.


Mohammad Sadeagh Sohrabi, Neda Mahdavi,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (9-2019)

Background and Objectives: One of the most effective methods for managing ergonomic risk factors in the workplace is to involve employees in identifying and assessing ergonomic risk factors and ultimately designing and implementing interventions by themselves. Therefore, this study aimed to implement a participatory ergonomic program, focusing on the transfer of ergonomic knowledge to employees, and to examine the effects of interventions on the macroeconomic indexes.  
Methods: This semi-experimental interventional study was carried out in cooperation with all staff of one of the medical diagnostic laboratories in Isfahan (11 people) in 2017. A participatory ergonomic program was implemented based on the Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers Inc. (OHCOW) Guide. Then, the differences in the level of macro ergonomic elements such as job satisfaction and increase in motivating potential score of employees were studied before and after the interventions resulting from participatory ergonomic program (OHCOW) in this work environment. The data was analyzed using SPSS 23.
Results: Job satisfaction before and after ergonomic interventions had no significant difference (a relative increase), but in one of the scales, namely organizational climate, there was a significant change (P=0.016). Also, the motivating potential score of employees after the intervention was significantly higher than before (P=0.013).
Conclusion: In this study, participatory ergonomics were used to improve some aspects of macro ergonomic elements. Based on the results of this study, participatory ergonomics can increase some job satisfaction scores and motivating potential score of employees. Finally, it is suggested that allocate a longer duration for intervention utilization.

Fatemeh Rostami, Maryam Feiz Arefi, Amin Babaei-Pouya, Azam Ahangirimehr,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (6-2020)

Background and Aim: Nurses are the main staff of the hospital. The large number of clients, the high volume of work and the shortage of staff increase the mental workload of nurses. On the other hand, reducing the control of the work process leads to mental stress. The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating role of job control and explaining the relationship between job satisfaction and mental workload in nurses.
Methods: This descriptive-analytical study was performed on 188 nurses of educational hospitals in Shushtar and Ardabil cities, Iran, in 2019. Research tools included demographic information questionnaire, NASA-TLX questionnaire, Job description index (JDI) questionnaire, and job control questionnaire. For Data analysis the correlation coefficient and regression analysis with SPSS-18 and AMOS-18 software were used.
Results: Based on the results, the final model had good fitness (GFI=0.859, CFI=0.921, RMSEA=0.067). The results also showed that there is a significant relationship between mental workload and job satisfaction (P<0.001, r=-0.33) and this relationship has increased with the presence of job control (P<0.001, r=-0.42).
Conclusion: High levels of job control are associated with increased job satisfaction and reduced workload. As a result, in order to reduce the mental workload and increase job satisfaction, job control of nurses can be increased to improve working conditions.

Noori Kaabomeir, Arezo Pirzadeh,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (10-2020)

Background and Aim: One of the major challenges in the health sector, especially in relation to nurses, is shiftwork that can have many negative consequences for this group. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to comparison of marital satisfaction, intimacy and sexual function in female married nurses with fixed and changing shiftwork in Abadan city government hospitals.
Methods: The research method is a descriptive comparative design. The statistical population of the study consisted of all the female married nurses of Abadan city government hospitals, which was about 400 people. From this, 140 people were selected by simple random sampling method, of which 57 people had fixed shiftwork and 83 people had changing shiftwork. The instruments of the present study included Hudson’ Marital Satisfaction Questionnaire, Vaker and Thompson’ Intimacy Questionnaire, and Rosen et al’ Sexual Function Questionnaire. Data were analyzed using MANOVA analysis and SPSS software version 24.
Results: The results of data analysis showed that there is no significant difference in marital satisfaction (F=0.29, P=0.589), intimacy (F=0.13, P=0.724) and sexual function (F=0.07, P=0.795) between female married nurses with fixed and changing shiftwork.
Conclusion: According to the results of the present study, it seems that there are mechanisms that moderate the effect of shiftwork on different outcomes. Therefore, it is necessary to provide the conditions for strengthening these mechanisms.

Ramin Rahmani, Ali Ebrazeh, Farzad Zandi, Roghayeh Rouhi, Shirdel Zandi,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (1-2021)

Background and Objectives: Paying attention to human resources is one of the basic principles for increasing productivity and quality of services in hospitals. Therefore, the present study was designed to compare the level of job satisfaction and job stress, and the association between these two components in nurses, operating room, and anesthesia staff.
Methods: This is a descriptive causal-comparative study, performed in December 2019 in Zabol hospitals with the participation of 175 nurses, operating room, and anesthesia staff. A three-part questionnaire consisting of demographic information, job satisfaction, and job stress was used to collect data. Then analysis of data was performed using SPSS 20 and the Pearson correlation coefficient, independent t-test, and ANOVA.
Results: In this study, it was found that nursing group had the highest job satisfaction and anesthesia and operating room staff had the lower job satisfaction. Also, the highest and lowest levels of job stress were related to anesthesiologists and nurses, respectively, and the differences in both variables were significant between the three groups. Moreover, the results showed that there was a significant negative correlation between job satisfaction and job stress, totally.
Conclusion: Due to that anesthesia staff was in a more unfavorable situation than others. We recommend that management planning and policies in hospitals be done by occupational groups and design and carry out the studies to assess the needs for each group.

Zahra Lotfi, Mohammad Hassani, Mahdi Najjari,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (10-2021)

Background & Objectives: Ethical atmosphere and burnout of employees is an important issue for the management of the organization and management should play a key role in improving the performance of employees and the organization. The present study aimed to model the structural relationship between ethical atmosphere and emotional exhaustion with job satisfaction and turnover intention.
Methods: The present study is an applied research in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlational in terms of the data collection method. The statistical population includes 125 employees of the West Azerbaijan Gas Company who were surveyed by census method. The data collection tool was a questionnaire. Confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha method were used to evaluate the validity and reliability of measuring instruments. Structural equation modeling using Smart PLS software was done to analyze the data.
Results: The results of the determined coefficients showed that the ethical atmosphere was able to explain more than 22% of the changes in emotional exhaustion. Also, emotional exhaustion can explain more than 44% of the changes in job satisfaction and 18% of the changes in the desire to leave the job. The coefficient of morale's impact on job satisfaction with emotional exhaustion was also 0.07. And the impact coefficient of the ethical atmosphere on the desire to leave the job with an emotional exhaustion was also -0.09.
Conclusion: Improving the ethical atmosphere of the organization and reducing the emotional burnout of employees leads to job satisfaction and commitment of employees, and as a result, the performance of employees and the organization improves.

Azizeh Pashaei Yousef Kandi, Mohammad Hassani,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (10-2021)

Background & Objectives: Nurses, as the largest source of manpower, have a special place in medical affairs and their performance is defined as an effective activity with direct patient care, so it is necessary to study the factors affecting their performance. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the role of work-related psychological components in relation to organizational factors affecting nurses' job performance.
Methods: This research is a descriptive-correlational study of structural equations according to the data collection method. The statistical population of the present study includes all nurses of Seyed Al-Shohada (AS) Hospital in Urmia, Iran (n=265). Using Krejcie and Morgan table, 155 people were selected as a statistical sample using the Relative stratified random sampling method. A questionnaire was used to collect information and after calculating the validity and reliability of the instruments, descriptive and inferential analysis of the data was performed using SPSS 22 and PLS 3 software.
Results: The results of data analysis showed that organizational values, communication satisfaction and charismatic leadership with t-values ​​greater than 1.96 (P value<0.05) mediated by psychological factors have a positive and significant effect on nurses' job performance.
Conclusion: Values, goals, leadership, and communication are factors that go beyond a specific situation and create a sense of satisfaction and performance improvement. Managers increase the ability and capability of nurses by clearly explaining the goals and creating a suitable atmosphere for expressing views, by participating in the affairs of the sense of commitment and ownership, and by holding training courses, and provide the possibility for improving their performance.

Mrs Laleh Nazari, Dr Azadeh Shahcheraghi, Dr Iraj Etessam,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (12-2021)

Background and Objectives: Job satisfaction and improving employee performance due to direct relationships with individual and environmental factors is one of the most important issues in optimizing the industrial environment. Since the main lever of decreasing or increasing productivity is human resources, one of the issues that will engage the leading managers in the coming decade is trying to increase employee productivity. Regarding the disposal of some affairs to the private sector and lack of adequate health supervision, in some cases, we witness an increase in this disorder in our country. The physical environment of the built environment affects mental health directly and indirectly, meaning that the physical environment, such as the residence and workplace, is a place for human life and some of its psychological effects are unknown.
Methods: The purpose of this research is to explain the model optimization model of labor and the industrial environment through architectural standards. This research is an applied research. In this research, the opinions were gathered through interviews. Then using grounded theory and open, axial and selective coding, the model was developed. In the following, confirmatory factor analysis was used to examine the validity of the items by Lisrel software.
Results: The results showed that indices such as environmental and physical ergonomics, visual contrast of space, environmental psychology, spatial separation of space, attention to voice and color are influential.
Conclusion: Psychological comfort is an inevitable aspect of user satisfaction studies. These findings help designers, architects, planners, and facility managers to develop workplace design principles. 

Abbasali Jafari-Nodoushan, Mohammad Reza Zare Banadkouki, Niloufar Naddafi,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2022)

Background and Objectives: With the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, staff's job satisfaction and mental health potentially threatened especially in health care centers. The study aimed to investigate the effect of the COVID-19 virus on job satisfaction and mental health of staff health care centers of Yazd city in 2020.
Methods: The study is a descriptive-survey study and was conducted by selecting 265 stratified random samples among the staff of health care centers in Yazd city. Research tools include the Minnesota Job Satisfaction Questionnaire, General Health Questionnaire, and the Corona Disease Anxiety Scale. Data analysis was performed by ANOVA, Chi-square independence, and Pearson correlation tests.
Results: The results showed that staff's job satisfaction and mental health were moderate and serious respectively, and COVID-19 anxiety has a significant correlation with staff's job satisfaction (r = -0.611, P = 0.009) and mental health (r = -0.826, P = 0.001). Age, gender, and marriage had a significant impact on job satisfaction, mental health, and COVID-19 anxiety (P < 0.05).
Conclusion: It is suggested that healthcare providers increase their financial and moral support to healthcare staff during conditions like the COVID-19 outbreak. Also, introducing rotational staff and hiring new staff is a considerate action that can be taken by the relevant managers to improve the staff's job satisfaction and mental health.

Narges Adabi, Hassan Sabourimoghaddam, Abbas Bakhsheepour Roodsari,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (12-2022)

Objectives: Human factors are critical in the design and development of various products, but wideness and unclarity of different aspects of these factors make it difficult to extract demands of users. Studying emotional aspects of users' behavior in interaction with products, as well as interviewing them, is considered as an efficient tool in extracting design demands. This study aims to integrate the application of task analysis and the measuring of emotional aspects to determine the users’ emotional states in the different stages; and therefore extract the user satisfaction criteria.
Methods: This research has a descriptive/ exploratory approach. In this practical study, the use of two everyday tools for chopping onions is analyzed. 20 users of these tools were non-randomly selected to participate in the test and interview. Users performed the task with each tool, and the process was recorded by a camera. After performing the task, subjects completed self-assessment questionnaire and then, an interview was conducted about their experience of the tools usage. Parametric t test was used to evaluate results of the questionnaire and compare averages.
Results: Findings of the emotional questionnaire showed that the emotional states of people in different stages of task are significantly different from each other. The determined emotional states, showed the weaknesses and the advantages of the tools studied. By analyzing videos, interviews and surveys, users' demands were extracted. The extracted features were categorized based on the work steps.
Conclusion: Using this method can reveal precise details of users’ needs concerning product category, which can be used as a suitable tool for designers and researchers in the field of user experience.

Hamideh Abbasi, Sarah Hajatpour,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (5-2023)

Objectives: One of the best ways to maintain and improve human resources is to increase employee job satisfaction. Managers with a transformational leadership style are also one of the most important factors in improving job satisfaction. The purpose of this research was to investigate the impact of transformational leadership on the job satisfaction of employees with regard to the mediating role of psychological empowerment.
Methods: The statistical population of this research consisted of 1,500 employees of the central headquarters of the Tehran Social Security Organization, Tehran, Iran. The sample size (n=306) was calculated using the random sampling method and using Cochran's formula. Data collection tools were the Avolio and Bass standard transformational leadership questionnaire, Minnesota job satisfaction questionnaire, and Spretitzer psychological empowerment questionnaire. The validity of the questionnaires was measured by face and content validity. The reliability of these tools was assessed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient, whose value was calculated as 0.79 for the transformational leadership questionnaire, 0.83 for the empowerment questionnaire, and 0.82 for the job satisfaction questionnaire. Analysis of research data was done in SmartPLS software using path analysis and the structural equation model.
Results: Based on the findings, all research hypotheses were confirmed. The results obtained from the Sobel test showed that the indirect effect of transformational leadership style on job satisfaction through employee empowerment was 0.556; the positive value of beta (0.556) indicated the positive intensity of the effect.
Conclusion: The results of the research demonstrated that the role of transformational leadership by the managers of the organization would be effective in the feeling of job satisfaction and its improvement through creating working conditions that provide the empowerment of employees.

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