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Showing 46 results for Type of Study: Review

Arezoo Sammak Amani, Mohammad Amin Mououdi, Morteza Mahdavi, Fariba Ghaempanah,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (12-2021)

Background and Objectives: For many employees, students and “Behind the desk jobs”, most of the daily work is done while sitting on a chair and behind a desk. This happens while many studies are associating long-term sedentary posture with musculoskeletal and cardiovascular diseases, etc. The aim of the present research is to design a tool that helps to change the working posture of people who work at sedentary workstations from sitting to stand-sit posture.
Methods: The measurements needed to design a desk converter were extracted from the existing anthropometric data of the Iranian community between the ages of 6-19 and 20-60 for both sexes, using 4 anthropometric parameters of elbow (to floor) height sitting, eye height sitting, elbow height standing and eye height standing. These values were used to obtain the difference between the required work surface of the hand while sitting and standing (keyboard position) and the difference of the required work surface of the eye while sitting and standing (display position). Due to the adjustability of this tool, 5th percentile of women and 95th percentile of men were used to achieve the required range of changes.
Results: The desk converter constitutes two parts, 1. Top surface (meant for monitor) and 2. the keyboard tray. The difference in the height of these two surfaces was calculated 12cm. The maximum height of the desk converter (adjustable range) for both age groups was 68 cm due to changes in sitting and standing elbow height. The width and depth of the desk are set at 90 by 50 cm, and the keyboard and mouse surface, with a width equal to the desk’s and a depth of 20 cm, creates sufficient and comfortable space for users.
Conclusion: It is envisioned that by using this tool and changing the posture of individuals from an entirely sitting posture to standing and sitting alternation, a contribution to the reduction of musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, diabetes and cancer problems can be made.

Mrs Laleh Nazari, Dr Azadeh Shahcheraghi, Dr Iraj Etessam,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (12-2021)

Background and Objectives: Job satisfaction and improving employee performance due to direct relationships with individual and environmental factors is one of the most important issues in optimizing the industrial environment. Since the main lever of decreasing or increasing productivity is human resources, one of the issues that will engage the leading managers in the coming decade is trying to increase employee productivity. Regarding the disposal of some affairs to the private sector and lack of adequate health supervision, in some cases, we witness an increase in this disorder in our country. The physical environment of the built environment affects mental health directly and indirectly, meaning that the physical environment, such as the residence and workplace, is a place for human life and some of its psychological effects are unknown.
Methods: The purpose of this research is to explain the model optimization model of labor and the industrial environment through architectural standards. This research is an applied research. In this research, the opinions were gathered through interviews. Then using grounded theory and open, axial and selective coding, the model was developed. In the following, confirmatory factor analysis was used to examine the validity of the items by Lisrel software.
Results: The results showed that indices such as environmental and physical ergonomics, visual contrast of space, environmental psychology, spatial separation of space, attention to voice and color are influential.
Conclusion: Psychological comfort is an inevitable aspect of user satisfaction studies. These findings help designers, architects, planners, and facility managers to develop workplace design principles. 

Abdollah Vahedi, Iman Dianat,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (9-2022)

Objectives: The challenges that have been raised today, such as changes in population structure, diverse workforce, mass production, and automation of production, indicate the need to review production systems. Classical ergonomic solutions are no longer suitable for carrying heavy loads and repetitive activities. By supporting workers to reduce physical and mental stress, human-centered assistant applications (HCAAs) should solve this problem. The technical problems of the exoskeleton have been investigated in many scientific studies, but its effect on the human user has not been paid much attention to. So, this study reviews the studies that have examined industrial exoskeletons from the ergonomic point of view
Methods: Papers concerning exoskeleton in ergonomic studies are reviewed using Scopus and PubMed databases. The selected papers were published in the reviewed journals from 2014 to 2021. Books, conference papers, and reports are not included in this study. In the present study, only official scientific journals in English are reviewed, and the references obtained from the search are screened by the title and abstract. The full text of the papers is checked if the abstract does not contain enough information. Those papers that met the inclusion criteria are listed in this review.
Results: Studies on ergonomic industrial exoskeletons account for a small share of studies on industrial exoskeletons. From 2012 to the time of conducting this study, 96 studies were found on industrial exoskeletons, of which 10.41% design or evaluate industrial exoskeletons from an ergonomic point of view. This is very small compared to the studies on exoskeleton conducted since 2012 and only about 0.4% of the studies.
Conclusion: The reviewed studies emphasize the facilitation of the successful use of exoskeletons in occupational structures by considering at least three dimensions (physical requirements, task performance, and usability), all of which can contribute to determining the potential efficiency of exoskeletons in the work environment. Due to the potential of this technology, more studies should be conducted in the future to cover some of the identified challenges and compare the exoskeleton design methods under more diverse and more realistic situations.

Hamed Yarmohammadi, Mahdi Jahangiri, Moslem Alimohammadlou, Fateme Rahmati,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (12-2022)

Objectives: Planning and scientific policy making is required for the investigation of scientific productions. Scientific productions are published through universities and research centers in the form of articles and research journals. Scientometric approaches are a tool to assess the performance of journals in different fields. The aim of the present study was to investigate the activity of ergonomics journal.
Methods: The current research was a practical objective with the descriptive data collection method, which was conducted with a scientometric approach. The research population consists of all the articles published in ergonomics journal during the years 1392 to 1401. Publish or Perish, Vosviewer and Excel software were used to collect and analyze data.
Results: A total of 296 articles from 724 authors have been published in Ergonomics journal during a 10-year period. The most articles published belonged to Hamadan, Shiraz, Tehran and Shahid Beheshti universities of medical sciences. The most effective authors in this journal were Rashid Heydari Moghadam (with 21 articles), Majid Motamedzadeh (with 20 articles), and Alireza Chubineh (with 15 articles). The most frequently used keywords were skeletal and muscular disorders with a frequency of 39, ergonomics 37 and anthropometrics 15.
Conclusion: According to the results, the number of citations of articles in this journal was at a low level. Therefore, it is suggested to increase the amount of international participation in order to index the journal in international citation databases and increase the citation rate of articles and the visibility of the journal.

Zahra Akbari-Chehrehbargh, Niloofar Navaei, Hamidreza Navaei,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (5-2023)

Objectives: Scientific evidence shows that artistic activities, such as playing music, can put individuals at risk for specific musculoskeletal injuries. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and location of musculoskeletal injuries among Iranian music students and musicians, as well as to identify the related risk factors for their occurrence.
Methods: To find published studies without time limitations, a detailed search was conducted in databases including Pubmed, Scopus, Google Scholar, the Scientific Information Database (SID), and Magiran using appropriate keywords. In this investigation, we only reviewed cross-sectional studies that were available to explore the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders and their related risk factors among eligible music students and musicians from Iran. Review articles with less than five participants and articles written in languages other than English and Persian were excluded from the study.
Results: Out of 19 studies found, after removing duplicates and similar studies, 7 cross-sectional descriptive-analytical studies with a sample size of 1,444 eligible participants were reviewed. The prevalence of injuries ranged from 53% to 65%. The most common area of pain was the neck and shoulders, which were present in all types of instruments. Being female was a predisposing factor for musculoskeletal problems in musicians.
Conclusion: Iranian music students and musicians often suffer from musculoskeletal injuries. The most common areas of the body where these injuries occur are the neck and shoulders. There are multiple risk factors, such as age, improper posture, and duration of training, for musculoskeletal injuries in this population.

Hamed Yarmohammadi, Mehdi Jahangiri, Elham Arab Mokhtari,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (12-2023)

Objectives: A significant indicators of progress and development is the publication of books within any scientific domain. Ergonomics, a critical field associated with human and occupational health, contributes to enhancing productivity and the health level of employees. The present study aims to investigate the state of production and publication of ergonomics books in Iran.
Methods: The current study employed a descriptive approach and content analysis with a bibliometric perspective. The research population encompaased all ergonomics books registered on the National Library website. To access relevant books, searches were conducted without temporal limitations using keywords such as ergonomics, human factors engineering, and other related terms. The collected data were then entered into a pre-designed form in Excel software and, in the final stage, were analyzed using descriptive statistics.
Results: In total, 313 book titles in the field of ergonomics have been published between the years 1989 to 2023, indicating an increasing trend in the publication of books in this area. The highest frequency was for authored books, accounting for 78.27 percent of the publications. Mohammad Amin Mououdi, Majid Motamedzadeh, and Alireza Choobineh were the most active authors in this field. The subject areas of ergonomics principles and application, occupational ergonomics, and human factors engineering had the highest frequency. Fanavaran publications held the highest rank among all publishers. In total, 38 book titles reached multiple editions.
Conclusion: The results of the current study signify an upward trend in book publication within the field of ergonomics in Iran. However, there is a need for more attention from authors in some specializations of this science, including occupational biomechanics, urban ergonomics, ergonomics in domestic settings, and ergonomics for children. Additionally, there is a notable lack of focus on the publication of electronic books in this scientific field. Therefore, to give more consideration to the advantages of electronic books and consider their publication.

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